By Zachary Deppa
Sports Editor
The 易胜博 golf team played its final meet of the year on Oct. 4 at the Minnesota College Athletic Conference/Region 13 Tournament at the Quarry at Giants Ridge golf course in Biwabik, Minnesota.
They played a total of seven tournaments this season. The men’s golf team had four returning players and two new this year.
The head coach for golf this season was Andrew Muhich. This was his first year as head coach after being the assistant coach for three.
One of the skills the team focused on this year was the short game and course management.
“The kids really seemed to take to what we were working on and I could see some great improvement over the season,” Muhich said.
The team’s goals this year was to improve at every practice and have fun. They were able to achieve this and it really brought great results in their scores during the meets. Muhich shared that the team’s biggest challenge this year was the weather. They had several practices and two meets canceled due to rain.
Muhich was proud of his team and their performance this year. They did well, especially for the size of the team.
“Our top five were all very good at different meets as we are a deep team where anyone can shoot the low score,” Muhich said.
This year, three of the golf players were within a few shots of going to the national tournament this season. This year we graduate Brady Becker, Keyth Hendricks, Bryan Koehler and Brandon Bergene. Returning as sophomores will be Brett Egland and Tyler Blaser.